Listings by County/Region

A guide to the best holiday parks, self catering cottages and hotels in the UK. Whether you are looking for camping, caravanning, glamping, self catering or pet friendly holidays, you will find a great choice here. Perhaps you are looking to buy your own Holiday Home? There are plenty of statics and Lodges for sale across the UK.

Listings by County/Region

Holiday Homes For Sale in Aldeburgh – Cakes and Ale Holiday Park

Holiday Homes For Sale in Aldeburgh

Cakes and Ale Holiday Park
Abbey Lane
Suffolk IP16 4TE

Telephone: 01728 831655


Holiday Homes For Sale in Aldeburgh

Cakes and Ale is a family owned holiday park on the Suffolk Heritage Coast. A great deal of attention is paid to the maintenance of the park, and the park has carefully and subtly retained much of the layout of the airfield whilst celebrating its history as an American air base during WWII.

Set in the heart of the stunning Suffolk Heritage Coast in over 45 acres of immaculate grounds. The emphasis at the Cakes & Ale Holiday Park is on peace, quiet and relaxation. 

We offer a choice of high quality holiday homes, and a pitch on our beautiful holiday park. We typically have 2-4 static holiday homes in stock for you to view, and every new holiday home can be specified to suit your personal taste, budget, size, specification and colour scheme.

A true home-from-home for you to enjoy virtually all year round (we’re only closed from mid January to end of February), our new homes offer long life with minimal maintenance, and are available with full central heating and UPVC double-glazing. 

All stock is held on site and viewing can be arranged 

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