Listings by County/Region

A guide to the best holiday parks, self catering cottages and hotels in the UK. Whether you are looking for camping, caravanning, glamping, self catering or pet friendly holidays, you will find a great choice here. Perhaps you are looking to buy your own Holiday Home? There are plenty of statics and Lodges for sale across the UK.

Listings by County/Region

Camping and Caravanning in Banbury – Anita’s Touring Caravan Park

Camping and Caravanning in Banbury

Anita’s Touring Caravan Park
The Yews
Oxfordshire OX17 1AZ

Telephone: 01295 750731

Camping and Caravanning in Banbury

Anita’s touring and caravan park is a friendly, family run campsite on the outskirts of Banbury, in the charming village of Mollington.

Nestled on the border of Oxfordshire and Warwickshire and only a stones throw from many local attractions giving you and your family to opportunity to explore your beautiful surroundings.

As well as lovely, well cared for caravan and camping facilities we also have two beautifully converted holiday cottages for those who want the experience of the campsite in the warmth of a beautiful holiday home.

If you would like to get a little bit closer to nature without pitching a tent you can also book one of our fantastically fun camping pods which are always a big hit with the kids. 

We are situated on a small working farm breeding pedigree Suffolk sheep. We often take to shows all over the country picking up a few prizes on the way.

Also around the farm are our pride and joy…the Dargale Welsh Mountain ponies. Every year there are mares with their foals at foot which can be seen frolicking in the evenings.

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Listings by Category/Region

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